Wednesday, November 17th 2021
Hello NLS families!
Today we:
- worked on our Wetland Creatures stories! Most students are done the good copies and are now working on the art for this! The art will be the "cover" of our stories. They all look great so far!
- worked on whole-numbers in math - we did some review questions as a class, and also did a small check-in, so Ms. Clark can see where we are with our understanding.
- read more of our novel "The Jumbies" - we only have 3 more chapters to read and that will be the end of the book! We will do individual reviews of the novel when we are done.
- As well, this is the first book in a series, and many students have said they would like to read the next 2 books in the series - our school library doesn't have them (yet- we've asked to order them) but the Calgary Public Library does, if you want to check them out. The titles in the series are:
- The Jumbies - by Tracey Baptiste
- The Rise of the Jumbies - by Tracey Baptiste
- The Jumbies God's Revenge - by Tracey Baptiste
- We continued to work on our social studies Natural Resources tasks
- went to the Learning Commons to switch books, and we also had gym!
- Northern Lights School Book Fair - See information via Mrs. Brinson's email, or more information in yesterday's blog post! :)
- Just a friendly reminder for NLS families - if students have cell phones, they need to be off or on silent and away (tucked safely into their backpacks) for the entire duration of the school day. Getting loud text messages during the day disrupts student learning, and even during recess or lunch, students should not have their cell phones out with them. If there is an emergency, the school will contact you or alternatively, you can call the school to give your child a message if needed! We are so appreciative of your help with this matter. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out.
- Please note - this was not in regards to the emergency test alert that went out today, but other text messages or phone calls that students have been receiving.
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